
Saturday, 25 July 2009

Shabby Chic Workshop.............

Well I managed to take a few snaps of my workshop to share with you.
And what a productive 'taster' session we had!

My workshop was entitled - 'Shabby Chic Hearts & Birds'
In it I was hoping to get those attending to stitch and decorate a bird or a heart, or both if they were quick stitchers(!) To create a unique shabby chic decoration to adorn their homes. Something that was personal to them - their tastes, their colours, a decoration individual to them. I think it is wonderful to create something especially from remnants (which might otherwise have been discarded) with the addition of stitch, fabric fragments and buttons. The act of purely creating something from nothing as it were I feel is v rewarding.

Below are the samples I made by hand - not a machine stitch in sight for a change! - I had a heart and a bird sample and then a larger hanging to show what you could go on to do.

So here was my workshop............................... my bits all packed ready to take to the workshop, it doesn't look a lot but it was more than enough for some lovely creating

the workshop table in all its colourful glory!

and more!.......

And now for some 'action' shots of my workshoppers creating! I apologise for the quality of some of these photos, some are a bit blurry - due to the flurry of stitches and hand movement that was happening! so here are a few shots of the 'shabby chic' items that were being created

A beautiful bird having some wee wings added

A sweet finished heart from someone who said they had v basic sewing skills - (you know who you are!) how fab is it?!!

Another sweet heart in the making, which when finished had some beautiful pieces of contrasting ribbon hanging from it too

another little heart which had had the flower shape cut out and appliqued to the front, lovely

Another gorgeous bird with a scrummy fabric fragment being stitched on for a wing

The 2 hours went so quickly I felt like I'd no sooner got there than I was off again!

I would just like to say THANK YOU so much to Catriona for organising the 'taster' workshops with the Horsebridge Centre. It was a great experience and one I would definitely do again. I hope all the lovely ladies that came to the workshop have now found my blog??!! as I would just like to say a big THANK YOU to you all for attending and being so lovely to work with. I am so glad from your chat and comments during the workshop that you enjoyed taking part and was thrilled that many of you took bits home to continue making another shabby chic heart or bird!

So here's hoping to more stitching and workshops! you just never know what will be happening in the future...................!

Till then here's my shabby chic heart, both sides with 'love' from me to you............. X hope everyone is enjoying the sun this weekend ;0

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

All Gone, All Gone!!!!!

Hello All!

Just a wee note to say THANK YOU V MUCH!!!!!! to all those that have emailed me concerning my previous post and my 'clear out'

Everything is now GONE! All bits and pieces have been bagged by various crafty folk and will be winging their ways to you shortly, so keep an eye out for Mr or Mrs Postie!

*sigh* clearer spaces once again, until I find anything else or have another clear out at any rate!!! but I'll be sure to let you know!

Thanks again ;0 X

Monday, 20 July 2009

Roll Up! Roll Up! Stuff for Free!!!!!!

Yes that's right you did read FREE STUFF!!!!!

I'm having a tidy, a clear up and clear out! and so you my blog chums are more than welcome to treasures I will not be using. As they say - your trash is someone else's' treasure!
So below I have taken pics of all the bits and bobs I'm hoping other people may want and be able to use for some creative endeavour!
I shall put a few notes under each pic so you can get a better idea of what is 'going for a song!' quite literally......... falalalalalallaaaaa ;0

so first up 18 beading needles; 2 embroidery hoops 8"; 1 embroidery hoop 3 & 3/4 "; 2 spools of metallic thread in a chocolate brown colour and 2 in a rusty copper tone

2 floral brooches and 1 flower, I'm sure these can be used in a project, you could always remove them from their brooch backs; 1 set of sml & lrg square cardboard boxes; 1 set of sml & lrg rectangular cardboard boxes; 23 wooden pegs

various resin handles for bag making

oddments of string, cord, green wool, petrol green wool & pale blue wool; bag of feng shui leaves; Angelina fibres x 7 in watermelon, copper fire, calypso blue, ultra violet, raspberry, gold iris & ocean blue

1 & 1/2 packs of peacock feathers; 1 pack of white feathers; 1 pack of guinea hen feathers

1 large and 5 small packs of mixed coloured feathers

1 pack of various coloured tissue paper squares in 2"/4"/6"; 1 large blue butterfly peg; 1 small white butterfly peg; 1 pot of iridescent beads; 1 pack of royal blue sequins; 1 pack of lilac sequins; 14 bags of various coloured sequins

various coloured and sized beads. (The containers will NOT be included with the beads, I will put them into separate sealed plastic bags)

a few more beads and sequins

various pieces of colourful organza

various pieces of colourful polycotton

various remnant pieces of fabric

Phew I think that that is all for now!
So to the details......... here are the instructions/rules whatever you want to call them...


2. EMAIL ME WITH THE ITEMS YOU ARE AFTER - hello(at), you know the symbol to replace the 'at' with.




There that's it, simple really!?? well I hope so anyway, any questions just ask. I've put the rules as it were in bold so that there aren't any confusions, well hopefully!
So hope to hear from you all soon, so I can have a cleaner, tidier workspace!!

Hope you're all having a good week, I'm nearing my taster workshop and its fully booked so there should be plenty of hearts and birds being created by various people on Thursday, hoping to be able to take pics to show, until then, laters taters! ;0

Monday, 13 July 2009

Makey been & gone!

My wee 'report' on the Makey Do!
Well the weather couldn't make up its mind but it didn't stop the people attending so hurrah!
As normal I didn't take anywhere near as many photos I should've done but below are a few for your perusal!

My 'badge' to wear for the day as a 'maker' (holder of a stall)

The lovely Jennyflower and her colourful stall was right next to mine

getting up close and personal to her vibrant brooches and rings

The beautiful work of Contemporary Embroidery. I just cannot say how stunning Karen's work is. So meticulous in its detail, it is something to be treasured and I know that Jenny must be over the moon with her present that she was bought for her birthday from Karen's stall!
Apologies to Karen's husband for snapping him at the same time!! ;0

detail of Karen's stall, just how beautiful???!!!! *sigh*

And I couldn't go without taking snaps of Simply H's stall, the smiley lovely Helen!

An indulgent pic of her mermaids!! these are just soooooooo cute, all you bods out there need one for your small people!

Hello to Nifty Knits, this pic doesn't do any justice to her work (so much light was coming in from behind!) her creations are just fab! especially her star trekking meerkats.

And a wee shot of my stall too...........

I would just like to say a big THANKS to Jenny for organising it all. I am sure she is now taking a well earned rest after all the build up to the event and par-taking in it as well!
I had a good day, made sales, met new people and it was great to actually put faces to names from blogland too!
For me it is now on to the next project! no rest for the wicked as it were!!! I have several pieces in the making for various exhibitions and so will be posting to see what you all think soon........

And for a change of subject entirely! ( cake bought from the travelling craft stall that is Kirsty- That Crafty Fish!)
I just want to say a 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' to my little sis. Hope you've had a great day and eve, this wee cakes for you, it's the best I can do when I'm not near you! Hope you were spoilt rotten!

Love you sis, see you soonish ;0 Xxxxxxxx

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Ready or not!??............

Just a wee post today as I should really be finishing making sure that all items are tagged; that I have everything here ready for the 'Makey Do' this weekend, and don't need to rush out to get anything!

So here's a few pics of my wee purses all finished, ready for the 'do'

Simple wee purses to compliment or is it complement? hmmmmmm..... the simple tote bags

my individual petite purses for those who are after something unique, original and one-off

blue hues and some more petite purses in pink hues, all the tones of the rainbow....

And although you've seen this before, this is my A1 mixed media artwork entitled 'Caught On The Breeze' that I've just dropped off over at the Horsebridge Centre today. The exhibition is running from 17th July - 2nd August, I can't wait to see the diverse range of work being entered, wonder if they'll let me take any pics to blog about it, will perhaps have to ask..........
Anyways this pics for you Dad as I know Mum hasn't shown it you!! hope you like it ;0 x

Well lovely bloggy readers I shall keep it short and sweet and be back next week with pics from the 'Do', can't wait to meet all the 'creative bloggers' that are going, it will be so nice to actually meet you all 'in the flesh!' Anyways get ready for your close ups, I'll be there snap happy with my camera, well as long as I'm on this side of it and not having any pics taken myself that is!!!!!!

Then back to stocking my wee online shops - I've been v v bad at this recently! - and also a few more 'art' pieces are happening to post about too plus some more sample making ready for my workshop!......till then ta-ra! have a grand weekend ;0 X

Friday, 3 July 2009

Busy, bizzy, buzzy..........

Well its that Friday feeling for most I am sure, where the weekend is barely the blink of an eye away!
I said I would be back this week with another post and piccies of what I've been a'creating and making, so here we go......

First of all I'd just like to say I'm v annoyed(!) with myself for forgetting to take photos of another batch of petite purses, that made their merry way up to The Bowery again the other week. I was so intent on getting the work finished and packaged up that I was down the road to the post office when I suddenly remembered that I hadn't taken any pics, rubbish!!! anyhow I'm v pleased The Bowery wanted more stock, am crossing fingers that peeps are liking the work and skipping away with their purchases!

So to other work, and a few pics. Being a visual person I love posts on blogs where there are pics to look at! Don't get me wrong I love a good read but I love a good arty crafty colourful pic too.

Below are a few of the simple totes for the 'Makey Do'. Keeping them fresh, clean and simple.

Wee purses in the making to compliment the simple totes.

More petite purses in the making, these with my workings of fabric fragments, my sketchy images, hand-stitching and buttons. I'll be posting pics of these when they're finished as well.

Getting in for a close up to show the detail of my hydrangea sketch, transfer printed on to the purse. All v wispy and dreamy!

My A1 piece for the A1 Exhibition in Whitstable. Just a few more bits of stitching to do now........then I need to put a title to the piece and a price (!)

Some scrummy lavender hearts, I'll be taking these to the 'Do' with me as well, give them a scrunchy squeeze, can you smell the lavender?? mmmmmm....... lovely

A wee handstitched heart, getting ready my samples for my wee workshop taster. Timing myself to see how to break down the time for the workshop, step by step, where to be with our creations by what time etc, so everyone attending can leave with a finished item! I really want people to enjoy the taster and would also love them to leave with something finished, as I've always liked to come away with a finished piece when attending workshops myself.

Well I must away my bloggy cohorts! and get a-stitching to get all these bits and pieces done. There's nothing like having several things on the go at the same time , hey?!??? Enjoy your weekends! ;0 x