
Friday 21 September 2012

Pink lemonade

One of the weekends I spent visiting my sister this year we tasted some lovely pink lemonade at Moksha. A cafe we have visited quite often for a drink and a sweet treat. I loved the idea of pink lemonade and so looked for a recipe to make my own at home. I've yet to try this (it may be something my sister and I make together, we love cooking/making in the kitchen with the radio on!); but here's the recipe if you'd like to try it yourself.
300g caster sugar
1 1/2 lemons, sliced
1 orange, sliced
3x 170g/6oz punnets raspberries
ice and fresh mint to serve, optional
Place all the ingredients in a a large saucepan and pour over 350ml of cold water. Bring to the boil, stirring often, then leave to cool. Pour through a sieve, pressing down with a spoon to extract all the juices. The syrup can then be stored in the fridge for up to a week. To serve, pour a little into a glass and top up with sparkling or still water, ice and mint.
(Recipe courtesy of BBC Good Food).
Have you made pink lemonade before?

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